Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Justice Dr. Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani launched the Virtual Enforcement Court, which shortened the litigation procedure from 12 to only two steps without human intervention, starting from the submission of the application to issuing the final verdict for electronic execution bonds documented through the Nafith platform.
According to the ministry, the effective implementation of digital transformation – through the Virtual Enforcement Court – will lead to a reduction of seven visits per application once services are delivered electronically through the portal. In accordance with the Kingdom’s vision 2030, this project establishes the use of artificial intelligence techniques in justice facilities for achieving the goals of the justice system, by forming procedures, achieving prompt justice, delivering the right to the rightful owner, and taking into account the basic rights of all parties and the interest of society.
Unlike a traditional court system, the virtual court enforces decisions at high speed, accepting and verifying applications without human intervention, around the clock, seven days a week, and referring the application to the enforcement department after it is audited to complete the enforcement process.